for Organ, opus 101e (1996)  First performance: November 8, 1996, Graz, Kirche Mariehilf
Karin Tausch

5 Minutes
Editions Combre C05909 / ISMN: 9790230359092 
8th November, 1996, the première of "Musikalischer Kettenbrief"
("Musical chain-letter") took place in the Abendmusiken der Pfarrkirche
Mariahilferplatz (evening music in the parish church Mariahilferplatz) in Graz,
following a suggestion by the organist Herbert Bolterhauer (*1964) and the composer
Thomas Daniel Schlee (*1957). Based on a ten-bar theme, the following composers
submitted contributions: Peter
Michael Hamel: Title music Joseph Reveyron: Adagio
Bertold Hummel: Fantasia Jean-Pierre Leguay: "Sur
un theme de Alexander Schrei"(On a theme by Alexander Schrei) Sylvaine
Martin-Kostajnsek: Graz-Kettenbrief (Graz chain-letter) Thomas
Daniel Schlee: Voile (Sail) Pierre Cogen: Cortège
(Procession) Theo Brandmüller: "Ex oriente lux"
(Light from the east) Petr Eben: Momento d'orgao (Moment for
organ) These works
are also included in the volume for organ "Enluminures",
published by Editions Combre. Preface
(Editions Combre) At
the request of Herbert Bolterauer, organist at the church of Mariahilf in Graz
(Styria, Austria), nine composers have written short pieces on a theme supplied
by Alexander Schrei. 
title of this collective work, Enluminures (Illuminations) illustrates the way
in which the composers have individually coloured varying aspects of the thematic
material. Enluminures is thus a multicoloured reflection of organ writing in the
second half of the 20th century. The
work received its first performance at the Mariahilf church in Graz, on November
8, 1996. Thomas Daniel
Schlee |