Suite for Chamber Orchestra, op. 13b (1950) 
Andante II.
Allegro con brio III.
"Pastorale" IV.
Scherzando  V.
Finale (Passacaglia) Orchestra: - - Strings Duration:
13 Minutes Publisher:
Schott Music
Con 256 / ISMN: M-001-15144-3
Con 256-50
see: Hummel on youtube
(Schott Music
Con 256)
imagine, in addition to everything else, a few days ago I received a commission
from SWF [Southwest German Radio] to compose a Christmas work for orchestra. "
This was an extract from a letter which Bertold Hummel wrote in October 1950 to
his future wife shortly after they had fallen in love. The Christmas Suite,
completed on his 25th birthday, was not only his first commissioned work, but
also his first ever composition for orchestra. The suite was subsequently broadcast
on SWF on 28 December 1950 during an afternoon Christmas concert. All five
movements of this nimble-footed work convey Bertold Hummel's enthusiasm during
the composition of the suite. He skilfully interweaves well-known Christmas melodies
with a confident compositional technique and great wit. The chorale Vom Himmel
hoch da komm ich her [From Heaven Above to Earth I Come] for example forms
a counterpoint to In duci jubilo (1st movement), as a cheeky trumpet signal
(2nd movement) and also exultantly in the Finale over a passacaglia. The well-known
carols Es ist ein Ros entsprungen [A Spotless Rose is Growing] (2nd movement)
and Vom Himmel hoch, o Englein kommt [A Little Child There Is Ybore] (3rd
movement) emphasise the celebratory character of the composition while the Scherzando
with the lively Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann [Tomorrow Santa Claus will come]
(based on the French children's song Ah! vous dirai-je, Maman) creates
the atmosphere of a joyous Christmas season. Young listeners will also have
fun in recognising the well-known melodies in this entertaining work, therefore
guaranteeing it a place not only in Christmas concerts but also in concerts for
young people.
Hummel August 2007 Translation: Lindsay Chalmers-Gerbracht See
also: Christmas Music by Bertold Hummel |